Are you struggling to get your web3 website off the ground? Are you having a hard time attracting visitors and generating leads? In this post, we'll cover everything you need to know to build a web3 website that generates organic traffic and 10 daily inbound leads.

Web3 Web Design (1)

The design of your web3 website is critical to its success. Here are some tips to help you create an effective design:

A Clear and Descriptive Headline

At the top part of your main landing page, you explain briefly but clearly what you do for your visitors. Highlight the benefits, special deals, and news.


Make sure your font is easy to read, always clear against its background, and goes hand-in-hand with what your company represents.

Consider Applying Hick's Law

Less is more when it comes to the number of choices. Present a few, but well-composed options that you offer on your website.

Visitors Like it Simple

Make the website easy to navigate and let them find what they are looking for quickly.

Rather Let the Visitor Scroll than Click

Having the most important parts of your client-caching web content presented in a structured scrollable order can give you 30% more conversions.

Include Media

Including images, videos, or audio makes your website feel more alive, updated, and gives it a personal touch.

Optimize for Organic Traffic (2)

Organic traffic is critical to your web3 website's success. Here are some tips to help you optimize for organic traffic:

Great Content

Having relevant, reliable, useful, and well-structured content will make any search engine happy. But most of all, your visitors will be the happiest.

Internal & External Linking

Hyperlink to and from other subpages on your own site, and also welcome others to refer your site content on their site, and vice versa.

Write a Blog

Websites that include a blog post on a regular basis will give over 400% more indexing for Google to do, which in turn means, you climb the ranking quicker than those without regular blog posting.

Social Media

Posting engaging and visually pleasing content consistently, using the right hashtags and timing is a great recipe for leading more users to your website.

Use SEO Tools

Cut plenty of guesswork by using an SEO tool to help you with meta titles, descriptions, and other useful data.To mention a few tools: SEM Rush, Yoast (WordPress), GrowthBar and Ahrefs.

Make Sure it Converts (3)

Converting visitors into leads is critical to your web3 website's success. Here are some tips to help you make sure it converts:

Make it Easy!

The very first steps on your website should be easy to find and follow. It should be a no-brainer for the user to explore the options and make a purchase, call, or whatever it is you are encouraging them to do.

Valuable Pop-up

Give away something of great value for free in exchange for the user's contact info, like their email address. It's engaging the visitor while it gives you retargeting opportunities.

Add Testimonials, Reviews & Logos

People care about what other people think, this is no less true when it comes to showing off some great reviews, testimonials, and including the logos of companies that you have collaborated with.

Add a Third-party Sign-up Service

Make the signup process as easy as possible by adding the option of signing up with their Google, Facebook, or another account. You can use for example Quicksprout for that. You also want to minimize the number of forms in general on your site and keep the ones you need to have as short as possible.

Add a Live Chat

Implementing a live chat is an appreciated quick contact point for the visitor who can get their answers within moments.

Identify Your Audience (4)

Understanding your audience is critical to your web3 website's success. Here are some tips to help you identify your audience:

What Motivates Your Visitor?

Understand what type of user will benefit from your service and what motivates them to use it.The characteristics will define your target audience.


See what findings you get with the data already available for a service similar to yours. Check reviews, popularity on social media, and other relevant information. Create a survey and send it out to your potential audience. Perhaps form a focus group of users who love your type of service.

Niche it Down

Think in terms of: for whom, what problem will I solve, and in which manner. Remember that niching it down usually makes your job easier and because of a clearer message, you can pinpoint your target audience, and they have a reason to become returning customers.

Collect Data

Do broad targets at the beginning of advertising your service to collect data on for example user behavior, location, and demographics.

Identify Industry Trends

Understand what is going on right now within your industry. Make sure you don't make the same mistakes as your competitors and focus on what you do can do better. Looking at the trends, you can see what is in the know and what isn't.

Use Google Analytics or Hotjar (5)

Google Analytics and Hotjar are both great tools for analyzing the incoming data of your website. Here are some tips to help you use these tools effectively:

Google Analytics

This tool is probably the most known and used for analyzing the incoming data of your website. Here you see detailed information about the user behavior on your website and statistics about for example bounce rate, location, which type of device they are using, from which channel they found your site, their interests, and more. You can also follow and see how your marketing campaigns are doing.


This is a tool that gives the ability to record user sessions of a website. The recordings show cursor movement, info about the user device such as operating system, screen resolution, browser, and the page from which the users came.

Create Clear Call-to-Actions (CTA) (6)

Your web3 website's call-to-actions are critical to its success. Here are some tips to help you create clear call-to-actions:

Clear Guidance of CTAs

The visitor shouldn't have to guess where to go or look around for too long in order to find what they are looking for. It should be obvious and easy to follow.

Think Funnel

Once the visitor has acted on the first CTA point, there should be more CTA points following. Think of CTA points as a funnel path where you place out nuggets, being the CTAs, along the way to keep the interest going.

Part of the Team!

The more time the visitor spends on your website, the more involved they get and soon your site has become a reliable source to them. Make them feel welcomed and at home on your site. Creat some CTA's that will make visitors feel seen and heard.Remember, if a visitor comes to your site a third time, you can count on around a 75% chance of them becoming a regular customer.


Find out which types of CTAs work the best for your niche and service.

Make Sure Your Site is Fast-loading (7)

It goes without saying that you need to have a fast-loading website. The weight of the importance of it shouldn't be taken lightly. One of the main reasons for a high bounce rate is in fact a slow-loading website. 40% of visitors will leave a slow website and 47% are unhappy if it takes more than 2 seconds to load. Here is a brief checklist of what to keep in mind when speeding up your website, there are however more things that could be added to the list:

Use a tool, like to check speed and get a report on things that need to be fixed.

- Minimize HTTP requests.

- Reduce file/image sizes and enable compression.

- Reduce server response time.

- Minimize time to first byte.

- Reduce/eliminate render blocking resources such as CSS and Javascript.

- Load custom fonts locally.

- Use CDN (content delivery network).

- Enable browser caching.


Building a web3 website that generates organic traffic and 10 daily inbound leads takes time and effort, but with the tips provided in this post, you're well on your way to success. Remember to focus on creating an effective design, optimizing for organic traffic, and making sure your site converts. Identify your audience, use analytics tools, and create clear call-to-actions. Finally, make sure your site is fast-loading to avoid high bounce rates. Good luck!

If you need help with creating a brand from scratch or need a new website, landing page, or app, we can help! You can schedule a discovery call with us here.